Tooth Whitening

Look forward to a brighter, whiter smile

Do you have a special occasion approaching?

A wedding, or graduation perhaps, when you are aiming to look your very best for the photographs on your proudest day?

Perhaps a windfall means that for once you can spend a little on yourself for a change, to achieve that brighter smile you have been longing for?

Whatever the reason, a lighter, brighter smile can boost your confidence daily and give you that feel good factor.

We have been providing a tooth bleaching system to enhance the whiteness and brightness of our patients teeth for many years and as time has progressed so have our techniques.

Please call or pop into the practice to obtain information on the latest techniques available

We have found that we can maintain tooth whitening results indefinitely, by providing the patient with an AT HOME KIT, which can be purchased in the practice and used at their discretion for many years following the initial treatment.